Professor of Inclusive Education, Mara Sapon-Shevin presents a workshop on positive social inclusion in the regular class for students with disability.
Mara Sapon-Shevin, Professor of Inclusive Education at Syracuse University, has worked for many years to promote and facilitate the full inclusion of students with disability in school.This workshop aims to provide strategies to address concerns about social inclusion as well as refocus and re-energise families for the upcoming school year.
The workshop will cover:
- Where do we stand? The joys and challenges of inclusion
- Teaching about differences openly and honestly
- Friendship skills: social skills teaching through activities, music and play
- Dealing with bullying and exclusion
- Practical strategies in the classroom
- Remembering our vision: responding to naysayers and finding allies
The message in these [inclusive] classrooms are consistent – we are a community, we are all in this together we will take responsibility for one another, and we won’t abandon people because of their differences or difficulties. - Mara Sapon-Shevin
Please Note: This workshop is for families of children with disability only. The overall focus of this workshop is on inclusion for students with disability in school and will be relevant for all families with school aged children. However, be aware the strategies shared focus mainly on primary school settings.