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Article, Written Material
Building and mobilising informal family support networks
This article details Project SHaRE (Source of Help Received and Exchanged) which was conceived in response to work with poor families and families with disabled members who had needs that went continually unmet. The project is based on 11 characteristics around community which should strengthen family functioning e.g. “promote both interdependence among community members and family self-reliance with respect to identifying and meeting needs”. It is about empowering families – “Empowerment implies that many competencies are already present or at least possible” – family support and supportive community building. Keyword: Families
Dunst, Carl Trivette, Carol Gordon, Nancy Pletcher, Lynda
Paul. H. Brookes Publishers, Baltimore
Publication date
United States
Singer, G Irvin, L (eds) Support for Caregiving Families: Enabling Positive Adaptation to Disability