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Developing the skills of presenters, Family Advocacy encouraged those that expressed an interest in becoming a Family Leader to gradually develop their skills, responsibilities, competence, and confidence. One part of becoming a Family Leader involves verbally presenting material and assisting with group work at workshops run by Family Advocacy across the State.

Training is of an ongoing nature, with those taking on this role gradually increasing their level of participation. Materials are provided and discussed before the relevant workshop. Self-evaluation is encouraged, and feedback is also provided.

Being a Family Leader provides an opportunity to meet a wide range of people, exchange ideas, have access to the latest resources, and gain experience presenting to groups of various sizes. As well as adding to the breadth of experiences able to be shared at Family Advocacy workshops—and hence adding to the value of these workshops—these skills and experiences are useful to Family Leaders when promoting the rights and interests of their own family member with disability and when planning for his or her future.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss more about our Advocacy and Leadership program for families.

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