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You know your family member best and will be able to provide valuable insights that will make it more likely that your child will receive the appropriate type and amount of support. It is important for families to be involved in considerations about support and, where necessary, the process of applying for funding support and using it effectively.  The information provided on this page gives a brief overview of the supports you can expect to find in a NSW Department of Education regular, mainstream school. 

To read about funded programs in Independent schools visit the Association of Independent schools NSW (AISNSW) website. For more detailed information you will need to talk to the specific independent school you are interested in.

To read about funded programs in Catholic schools visit the Catholic Schools in NSW and ACT website. For more detailed information you will need to talk to a specific Catholic school or diocese.

Keep in mind the education standards apply to all education providers regardless of whether they are state, independent or Catholic.  

Commonwealth Department of Education also allocates funds to all schooling sectors, with majority to Catholic and independent schools that do not receive State funding. Read more about this fairer school funding at the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment website.

In NSW state schools there are school resources that are available to all students within the Learning and Support framework. Students who have additional needs that cannot be adequately met through the schools resources can apply for Integrated Funding Support. Students will need to have an identified disability to receive this funding.

Families are often requested to conduct cognitive tests on their child to determine funding supports and the Department of Education disability criteria refers to an IQ level. However “There is no connection between an IQ test and where and how you should be educated” – Bruce Uditsky.

Read IQ Testing: A Critique for parents of children with developmental disabilities by Bruce Uditsky and watch this clip from an interview with Bruce.

There is also funding that can be accessed for technology, building works and transport. You will need to talk directly with your school about funding for technology and equipment and building works (building works can take extended periods of time so the earlier you talk to your school the better).

Learning and Support 

Learning and Support includes a host of resources that schools can draw upon to support students experiencing difficulties in learning in regular classes, regardless of the cause (a disability diagnosis is not needed).

Schools should have a School Learning Support Team that works with students and their families to identify areas where additional support is needed and plan for appropriate adjustment to be made.

Schools will have a School Learning Support Teacher who supports students and their teachers in numerous ways such as by working collaboratively with teachers to provide professional specialist advice, support and mentoring and model exemplary classroom practice, and provide direct support to students through a range of strategies.

Schools are also allocated funds to use flexibly and will receive a base amount and may also receive extra loading to address learning needs of students and reduce any impact through disadvantage. School Principals are responsible for how this funding is used.

More information about the Learning and Support Program can be found on the DEC NSW schools website.

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