There are a range of changes that can be made to the curriculum, assessments, teaching styles and setup of the classroom so that students with disability are able to access and participate in learning according to their individual needs. For those students who need adjustments to the content and outcomes of the curriculum, the student and their families should be involved in consultations with the school to develop a personalised learning program. These are sometimes referred to as an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or an Individual Learning Plan (ILP).
Our organisation believes in the very real possibilities that people with disability can and should have in our society. Now, more than ever, there are emerging opportunities that families can embrace and shape to bring about a good life for their sons and daughters; a life full of potential and learning’s. School is one stage in life where we learn to become an adult, form our viewpoints, determine our social peer groups and be an individual.
The development of personalised learning programs is also supported by case studies and resources developed by government authorities.Case studies can be a helpful way of understanding what to expect from a school when it comes to supporting students individually.
NSW Education Standards Authority – Special Education Case Studies
Australian Government Department of Education and Training – Disability Standards for Education 2005: Practice Exemplars
Schools are made up of many support staff as well as teaching staff and these articles and video clips help to think about these support roles as part of an inclusive learning environment. The other key support in schools are the peers and they can often be overlooked in favour of support from adults. It is important to challenge this thinking and explore all the natural supports available in the school.
Below are a sample of the articles we have available that support the philosophy of Inclusive Education and how and what it looks like in the regular class.
- In the Pool, On the Stage and At the Concert – Extracurricular Activities for All Paula Kluth
- Alternative teaching methods: Moving from traditional methods to more inclusive methods Family Advocacy
- Building belonging in the curriculum Dr Bob Jackson
- Philosophy in practice Mara Sapon Shevin
- Peer Supports and Access to the general curriculum TASH
- To Naplan or not to Naplan? Is it the real question? Sharon Williams
- A circle of friends: a social support and advocacy structure – Article by Lesley Murphy and Brian Storey
- Building Belonging in the School Community – Finding roles that help students participate and contribute. A resource by CRU – Community Resource Unit
- Video – How we communicate with support staff at school:
- Supporting students with autism: 10 ideas for inclusive classrooms Paula Kluth
- How do we meet the challenge of diversity? Brian Smyth King
- Making relationships a priority Paula Kluth
- Video – Positive ways technology can be used:
For more articles and book please visit our Inclusion Collection and type in inclusive education in the search.