On this page
What inclusive education is and what it is not
- Inclusive education is not about students with disabilities ‘keeping up’ with the academic level of the class. Students should have opportunities to be successful and to have their achievements recognised and celebrated.
- It is not about students needing to be independent as a condition of entry or to have skills to ‘survive’.
- It is not about trying to make a disability invisible or pretending the students with disabilities are able to do exactly the same as everyone else.
- It is about being with everyone else though.
- It is about everyone being able to work on their own goals in a way which blends into a lesson.
- It is about working in naturally supportive, flexible structures and groupings with other students.
- It is about having many opportunities to be immersed in a socially rich and communication-rich environment.
- It is about everyone, regardless of level or type of disability, being part of a community and being known and valued.
What families are sharing with us about their inclusive education experience
Taking Action on Education – All students learning together – this booklet aims to assist families in a practical way with their advocacy efforts when talking to schools and the community on the importance of their child having an inclusive education. It could also be a resource for schools and the broader community such as medical professionals, social workers and therapists. (LINK TO INCLUSION COLLECTION)
What does the research tell us about Inclusive Education?
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