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Why become a member?

Family Advocacy work towards the protection and progression of the rights and interests of people with disability across NSW. Membership interest is always welcomed where there is a shared vision of people with disability experiencing everyday life and experiences as afforded to most Australians.

A well informed, activated, and connected membership strengthens the impact of our work in attempting to creating positive social change. Family Advocacy supports and encourages people with disability, their families and allies to join and also support the work of the organisation. With the organisation holding a long history of having a strong governance structure led by people with lived experience of disability.

As a member, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals across NSW as well as access our wider networks across Australia and overseas with these networks all working towards achieving positive social change for people with developmental disability.

Members can also play pivotal roles and access opportunities through things such as our;

  • Systemic Advocacy campaigns and efforts,
  • Representations on relevant advisory boards and stakeholder forums,
  • Leadership development opportunities
  • Supporting others in their leadership development
  • Workshop development
  • Presentations
  • Peer leadership facilitated opportunities
  • Governance roles

Renew your membership

If you would like to renew your membership, please click here.  Please note, this link is only for members renewing existing memberships.

Become a member

To apply for membership, please contact us by filling out this form. (Please note that membership is open to individuals only and is not available to organisations, or people who represent organisations.)

As a Family Advocacy member, you will:

  • Receive our newsletter, media releases, and the latest news articles;
  • Participate in membership events, member-only forums, activities, roundtable discussions, Advisory Groups, and feedback platforms to increase the potency of our work;
  • Support the human rights of people with disability;
  • Gain opportunities to co-host and provide input into systemic advocacy efforts, workshop development, and presentations; and
  • Network with like-minded people and gain valuable insights from people with disability and their families across NSW.

How will you benefit by being a member?

  • You will belong to an organisation that shares your hopes for the same genuine participation and opportunities for people with disability as are afforded to most Australians:
  • By supporting the organisation to make representation to Government;
  • You will be more connected to others who share similar ideas, values and shared learning;
  • You will able to nominate to become a member of the Management Committee;
  • You will be part of a strong, well-respected community-based organisation which aims to achieve positive social change for people with developmental disability;
  • You will receive information from Family Advocacy that will keep you up to date on some of the current activities of the organisation and coming events, as well as information about what is happening in the broader disability, advocacy and political environments.

What happens after I apply for membership or renew my membership? You will receive a confirmation letter upon receipt of your application. Please note that this does not serve as confirmation of acceptance. As part of Family Advocacy’s Constitution, the Management Committee is required to ratify all membership applications. Once ratified, you will receive a Membership Welcome Pack along with an invoice for the membership fee which you can pay through PayPal or credit card.

Your membership will make a difference:

  • to the lives of children and adults with developmental disability;
  • to the knowledge and influence of families undertaking advocacy roles;
  • to building a better community for everyone!

The cost of membership

If you align with Family Advocacy’s Vision and Purpose and want to contribute to meaningful change, we encourage you to apply for membership. We offer two membership options:

1. $10 for one year or,
2. $20 for three years.

Get involved

Join us in driving positive change

Family Advocacy supports and encourages families and allies of people with disability to become members of our organisation. Membership enables you to connect with like-minded people around NSW who aim to achieve positive change for people with disability. Members can also have pivotal roles in both our systemic advocacy work, workshop development, and presentations.

Become a Member

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