Written Material
Beauty quests – a double disservice
This article is primarily concerned with the societal attitudes towards women that provide criteria for what it means to be a real woman; women are told that beauty is equivalent to success. The epitome of the enforcement of these criteria are beauty quests. These criteria are not only fundamentally disempowering to women in general, but they do a double disservice to women with disabilities because no amount of dieting, make up or disguising will take away the disability. Thus women with disabilities are made outcasts from womanhood and consequently not ever being considered to be successful or to be of any value to society. Hall argues that these assumptions form the basis for the way beauty quests operate, and that the only way people with disabilities (especially women) will become valued is if they are not made to be ‘inferior’ by such things as charity beauty quests, and if they are included within their community. Keyword: Women
This article looks at the origin of the Citizen Advocacy principles and talk about the challenges of this advocacy service.
Hall, Lesley
Women with Disabilities Feminist Collective, Victoria
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Women and Disability, An Issue