Written Material
Examples of Curricular Adaptations for Students with Severe Disabilities in the Elementary Classroom
The authors of this article were part of a study group focussing on how students with severe disabilities can actively participate in lessons within the regular classroom (K- Year 5) alongside their non disabled peers. They wanted to specifically provide information on curricular adaptations because participation in structured learning activities occupies the majority of time in school. The study group provides an extensive resource for teachers which includes a recommended process to adapt curricula and then numerous types of curricula adaptations and examples – including individualised adaptations, multi level curriculum adaptations and curriculum overlapping. This piece is extremely easy to understand – there is no jargon involved and the examples illustrate the points excellently. There is an extensive bibliography for those teachers wanting greater detail. Keywords: Education, School age, Professionals
Ayres, Barbara et al
Division of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Syracuse University
Publication date
United States