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Letters to Our Children

“Every family and every child in every family has its ‘origins’ story. Each story is a declaration of the foundations of identity. Each special and unique story tells who we are, where we have come from, and gives direction and meaning to where we are going. Too often children born with special needs miss out in the stories of their (and their family’s) early life experiences……This book is most notable in its tone. It looks beyond events that others identify as tragedies, problems, trauma, and grief, to the child as a gift within a growing, learning and loving family….” This book pays due respect to the parent movements of the 1950s and 60s who rebelled against institutionalisation and formed their own groups to teach each other, lobby for change and acceptance of their children – the parents represented in these letters reflect this past and are possible because of it. Keyword: Families

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A Family Advocacy initiative

Resourcing Inclusive Communities

Resourcing Inclusive Communities (RIC) is an initiative of Family Advocacy that provides information and resources to help people with disabilities live meaningful lives as valued community members. Inclusive communities thrive on diversity and active participation from all.

Visit RIC website