Written Material
Women with disabilities: The double discrimination
In a really clear article, Traustadottir brings a number of points to light. Firstly, she analyses the neglect that women have faced by both the disability and feminist movements. Secondly, she gives a brief overview of literature (which is quite sparse) which has been written mostly by women with physical disabilities about their life experiences. This literature has provided research-based information about the social, economic and psychological circumstances of women with disabilities, as well as a theoretical framework by which to understand their lives. Lastly, the author takes three major areas of life to see how women with disabilities compare to women without and men with disabilities. It must be noted that she quite strongly criticises the lack of writing about women who have intellectual disabilities. This is an important criticism because while there is a movement to make women with disabilities voices’ heard, it is at the same time rendering invisible those with intellectual disabilities. Their almost ‘triple discrimination’ is disturbing and Traustadottir documents where it is taking place. Keyword: Women
Traustadottir, Rannveig
Publication date
United States
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