Newspaper Cutting
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This article is written by the father of a newly born baby who has Down Syndrome. The story he writes of his daughter’s birth and the way he sees her is a strong and elegant refutation of arguments that purport that children born with physical and intellectual disabilities are ‘aberrations of nature’ and will be so unhappy (having no ‘quality of life’) that they would be better off dead. He explains the biological process of human creation and then writes “… the Down [sic] baby is as much a product of his or her parents’ genes (and of their parents) as any other child, and… there is no sense in which the Down [sic] baby could ever have been constructed in any other way, once conception occurred. There is no possible alternative to Domenica Lawson without Down Syndrome. That is her identity…”. Keywords: Ethics, Families. Searchwords: Eugenics, Abortion, Parenting
Syndrome Stigmata
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