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Our people

Annette O'Sullivan

Annette O’Sullivan – Chairperson

Annette is a parent of two adult sons and has a long history of passionately advocating for inclusion both within our education system and the wider community. She has assisted her son to self-manage his funds both in the state system and via NDIS, enabling him to live in his own home and has encouraged him to live a valuable and meaningful life. During her son’s school years, Annette was integral to his successful inclusion in mainstream classes during primary and high school and advocated for the inclusion of other students.

Annette has an ongoing commitment to the empowerment and inclusion of all people with disability.

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Family Advocacy supports and encourages families and allies of people with disability to become members of our organisation. Membership enables you to connect with like-minded people around NSW who aim to achieve positive change for people with disability. Members can also have pivotal roles in both our systemic advocacy work, workshop development, and presentations.

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