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Our people

Bec Hewitt

Committee Member
Bec Hewitt – Committee Member

Bec is the proud mother of two teenage children. After the birth of her son who has an autism diagnosis, she personally experienced the daily barriers that children and parents face within mainstream society, particularly the education system.

Through her own challenges, experiences, and learning, she has dedicated herself to a mission: to empower parents and children by helping them understand their rights and what they can achieve with the right support, assistance, and the transformative power of knowledge. She enjoys engaging in conversations and is more than willing to assist anyone in finding the help and support they need.

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Family Advocacy supports and encourages families and allies of people with disability to become members of our organisation. Membership enables you to connect with like-minded people around NSW who aim to achieve positive change for people with disability. Members can also have pivotal roles in both our systemic advocacy work, workshop development, and presentations.

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