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Our people

Troy Hester

Administration and Events Coordinator
Troy Hester

After three and half years heading up Family Advocacy’s work supporting people to contribute to the DIsability Royal Commission, Troy has moved to the role of Administration and Events Coordinator. Here he provides logistic and administrative support to all our teams, dedicated to ensuring the genuine inclusion of people with disability.

Troy has more than 20 years in the sector as well as experience in education and working across cultures. He is passionate about people and systems and in encouraging organisations to be continually improving to better deliver their vision. Troy believes diversity and difference should always be valued as the asset they are. He loves good questions and mind maps!

Contact Troy Hester
Phone: 02 9869 0866
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Family Advocacy supports and encourages families and allies of people with disability to become members of our organisation. Membership enables you to connect with like-minded people around NSW who aim to achieve positive change for people with disability. Members can also have pivotal roles in both our systemic advocacy work, workshop development, and presentations.

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