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Who is Resourcing Inclusive Communities and how did it come about?

Resourcing Inclusive Communities (formerly known as Resourcing Families) is an initiative of Family Advocacy and was largely inspired by a study tour Family Advocacy made to Canada in 2009 as a precursor to emerging changes to the disability sector in Australia.

Canada had been a pioneer in providing more opportunity for people with disability and their families to exercise more choice and control over their lives and supports through self direction. However there was concern that the absence of capacity building interventions and resources for people with disability and their families had meant there was limited awareness of how individualised lifestyle options could be created around a person’s genuine interests and also what might be possible for people beyond traditional support arrangements.

Family Advocacy took this learning and created Resourcing Inclusive Communities to assist people to imagine better for people’s lives and have the resources, confidence and skills to action their goals and aspirations. It was clear from the study tour that unless there was an investment in capacity building then people were not equipped and resourced to maximise choice and control over their lives through self-directing.                   

Resourcing Inclusive Communities provides information for families to create full and meaningful lives for their family member with disability as valued members of their community. Workshops and resources focus on developing a positive vision, building support networks, creating community connections and exercising more choice and control through self-directing supports.  

For more information visit the Resourcing Inclusive Communities website.



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