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The Homes West Experience – Steps to Independent Living for Adults with a Disability

Homes West is a small community based service established in Brisbane, Queensland as a result of families having a dream of a better future for their child with disability. Through their shared experiences, as compiled by the author, their struggles and how they enlisted the help of others to achieve an independent life for their child, in a home of their own, everyone can benefit from their insight and what was learnt along the way. With step by step guidelines, a plan for action and stories to inspire, this shows how a good life is possible with the help of the community.

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A Family Advocacy initiative

Resourcing Inclusive Communities

Resourcing Inclusive Communities (RIC) is an initiative of Family Advocacy that provides information and resources to help people with disabilities live meaningful lives as valued community members. Inclusive communities thrive on diversity and active participation from all.

Visit RIC website