
Family Advocacy AGM and talk by Peter Symonds (Zoom)

4 December 2020
01:00 pm - 02:00 pm
Join us by Zoom for our Annual General Meeting, followed by a talk by Peter Symonds - General Manager for Operations (Tasmania) for Possability. Peter will share his insights and knowledge gained from over 20 years of successfully supporting people with disability into paid employment.

Employment still remains a significant barrier for many people with disability.

Peter will share his insights and knowledge gained from over 20 years of successfully supporting people with disability into paid employment.

Peter has worked in the disability employment sector since 1992. He is the General Manager for Operations (Tasmania) for Possability, a not for profit organisation. He is currently leading a project of transitioning participants who work in two Australian Disability Enterprises to community-based work as well as setting up school transition programs for people excluded from the formal employment system.

A firm supporter of the principles of Social Role Valorisation and with a passionate belief that all people, regardless of their level or type of disability have the right to work within their community, Peter has and continues to seek examples of best practice both in Australia and overseas.

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