
Disability Royal Commission - Legal Q&A

16 November 2021
12:00 pm - 01:00 pm
"What can I say in my story to the Commission?" is a question people often ask. In this webinar, a solicitor from Your Story Disability Legal Support will answer commonly asked questions from a legal perspective.

Thinking about sharing something with the Disability Royal Commission? Not sure about possible legal consequences? Non-disclosure agreement? Are there legal protections for me if I say something? How do recent changes mean better protection for people?

We’ll be asking legal questions and hearing from Oliver Moore, a solicitor from Your Story Disability Legal Support about how the new changes better protect the confidentiality of people and what they share with the Royal Commission. You can ask your own questions and find out how to get legal advice for your personal situation.

Send us any questions you have and register for the webinar here.

Your Story Disability Legal Support offers free, independent legal support to share your story with the Royal Commission

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