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Gathering the Wisdom: Changing Realities in the Lives of People with Disabilities


Gathering the Wisdom' brings together inspiring stories and papers presented by people with disability, parents, advocates, allies, service workers and politicians at the 1998 CRU Conference. In the foreword to this book, Michael Kendrick says that it 'represents the remarkable and unforgettable gathering of some of the many extraordinary people from the State of Queensland and elsewhere who have fought to create the moral and political climate for tangible advances in the circumstances of lives experienced by people with disability'.... 'This book, in important ways, articulates these varied challenges in a way that reveals the high level of engagement of the speakers in the actual battles - battles that must be faced if progress is to be made'. Keyword: Community Development Searchwords: Individualisation, Accommodation

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Cross, Anne, et al (Eds.)
CRU Publications, Community Resource Unit (Qld)
Publication Date
1 June 1999
Community Development

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