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Student support through cooperative learning

Written Material

A very practical article by Sapon-Shevin, directed to teachers, detailing 3 ways to create a co-operative classroom: 1. creating a co-operative classroom environment by doing things such as removing symbols of competition, or by changing classroom language; 2. using co-operative learning groups and projects, and; 3. structuring co-operative instructional and recreational games. The strategies provided require no special training or extra resources - e.g. using children's literature to teach about co-operation, or using students themselves as resources. The great thing about the whole notion of co-operative learning is that it is not a strategy to 'deal with disability', rather one whereby all students work together in a process that accommodates and celebrates difference. Keywords: Education, School age

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Sapon-Shevin, Mara
Stainback and Stainback (eds), Support Networks for Inclusive Schooling
Paul.H.Brookes, Baltimore
Publication Date
1 January 1990
Education, School age, Professionals
United States

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