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The Home School: Why students with severe intellectual disabilities must attend the schools of their brothers, sisters, friends and neighbours

Written Material

While this article does not attempt to discuss the pros and cons of special classroom education versus regular classroom education, it focuses on the move from segregated special schools and clustered schools (where more than a natural proportion of children with disabilities are placed) to regular schools. It provides four compelling reasons for enrolment in the home school and highlights additional factors which are required to aid the inclusion of students. These include, increased participation in the school by parents of all children; professionals being creative, compassionate, ingenious, flexible and committed to creating inclusive schools; making resources available which will support a heterogeneous society; and political and bureaucratic interpretation of laws and policies in an integrative rather than segregative way. Keywords: Education, Friendship, Inclusion, School Age

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Brown, Lou Long, Elise
JASH Volume 14 Number 1
Publication Date
1 January 1989
Teachers, Families, Parents, Professionals
Education, Inclusion, School age
United States

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