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The Power of Imagination

Written Material

In this inspiring article, Kathie Snow invites us to use our imagination in order to offer Real Lives to people with disabilities. She describes how, in her own family's life, "imagining and achieving success was energising and affirming, which then led to more imagining and more great outcomes". Kathie Snow is the mother of Benjamin, who has a developmental disability and is enjoying his first year of college. She explains how -for Benjamin to have a Real Life- it was necessary for her and her husband to "imagine" it first. The article provides with tips on "how to imagine" to parents, teachers, therapists and service providers. ,Kathie Snow is the author of the book "Disability is Natural: Revolutionary Common Sense for Raising Successful Children with Disabilities", which is the culmination of over 14 years of experience as a public speaker, trainer, and consultant on disability issues.

Snow, Kathie
Disability is Natural Email Newsletter, December 2005
Publication Date
1 January 1970
Parents, Families
Attitudes, Inclusion, Employment, Accommodation, Education, Individualisation
United States

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