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The reintegration of Aboriginal children with significant physical disabilities into remote communities

Written Material

It is only since the 1970s that Aboriginal children with significant disabilities have survived and been able to remain with their family and community. Prior to this time such children often died as a result of infanticide, or were taken from their families (as part of the devastating and genocidal assimilation policy) to be raised by white families or sent to institutions where contact between family and child was gradually lost. As a result this history, Aboriginal people are now confronted with a new challenge of accommodating children with disabilities within their community and developing the necessary roles and community practices to deal effectively with the children. The last half of the article provides an excellent set of guidelines to be considered by non Aboriginal professionals when attempting to reintegrate children - especially recognition of the importance of family and the chance that 'being with one's people' and 'being with one's land' might be more important than questions of immediate health and medical care. Keyword: Cross Cultural

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Ziersch, Timothy
Publication Date
1 January 1970
Cross Cultural

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