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Tori gets a job

Written Material

This article describes the process whereby a family came to a decision that their son's placement in a sheltered workshop was totally inappropriate, and then what they did about it. The article includes some powerful comments by the mother: "...I wanted to demonstrate to professionals....that people like not need to remain for years in day treatment programs, nor do they need to move from day treatment to work readiness, from work readiness to sheltered employment..out to competitive employment. The best way for individuals to learn is to learn right on the job." The article also points to the necessity for developing co-worker support for the person, for employment to be based upon the individual, and the need to focus on the continual growth of the individual. Keywords: Employment, Individualisation

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Scro, Jo Teelucksingh, Beth
TASH Newsletter
Publication Date
1 July 1988
Employment, Individualisation
United States

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