Do not forget to think about the typical considerations of choosing a school such as; where brothers and sisters go to school; which school their friends will go to; what school does the preschool feed into; are there good state, catholic and independent schools nearby.
A good process to follow when choosing a school could be:
Step 1: Identify your local school/s
Step 2: Do your research - Attend open days, look the school up on the internet, talk to other parents, review the school website and motto, meet the principal
Step 3: Apply to enrol - The Department of Education website has information on enrolment in local or out of area school.
Step 4: Get to know your school
The articles below will also help you with your thinking about choosing a school for your family member.
I Choose Inclusion Chapter 2 (Page 13): Choosing and enrolling in a school QPPD
Preparing your child for school Bob Jackson
Embracing difference Rachel Hewitt
Is your school Inclusive? Dr Paula Kluth